Friday, November 20, 2015

How Black Women Sabotage Their Sons

I'm a black woman. I know what you're talking about, I got the same exact treatment. I think my brothers got it worse though and it started when they were much younger than I did. My mother was very hateful and one of my brothers has a lot of problems to this day I'm certain now because of it. The guy has zero self worth it seems. Some people take their life frustrations out on their children and think it's normal. And they will take advantage of their mother title and do bad things with it because they know they can then just hide behind the "tough love" thing. Some women are just complete basket cases and should not be raising no kids especially not on their own. That's exactly why it's good to have a man in the home to keep some women in check. My mother was crazy on everyone probably even my dad but after they separated she got even more out of control. My mother tried to shatter my confidence completely too before it ever had the chance to show in my teens. She would just hide behind this thing of "tough love" in some sick twisted way but really it was without any kind of love. There's some black women with some mental problem thinking it's necessary to have this mentality of "tough love" with every single person around them especially young children. It's very weird way to think it's an appropriate way to raise a child and I think media and society also encourages it too strangely to be very aggressive with their own children sometimes. Not all are like this but I notice it even myself in other black women, there are definitely messages being sent I feel to black women to do things like that. When I'm with my nephew and he acts up I can feel people watching me almost waiting for me to do something extreme for him to act right but I would never do anything crazy maybe they're use to seeing it. He's just a child, I can't scream and shout at him. It's the wrong way to go about things. This type of behavior I got from my mother it was so bad I seriously developed an inferiority complex at one point. I finally pushed back and realized my worth thankfully. I'm lucky it never got so bad I didn't end up doing things they I'd probably regret that other young black people or women do when they have no self worth or feel no love at all from being teared down from your own parents. I really valued my mothers opinions so I took things very deeply before but not anymore I realize she's just human like anyone else... some people don't realize how much their kids really value them until it's too late(now I don't, I'm sorry I just don't have the same respect). Young girls can react to the way I was raised in such a terrible way, I'm very lucky I didn't go looking for what I didn't get at home from somewhere else. My mother went full crazy on me in my teens but she does that to everyone around her and tried even now tries it with my 3 year old nephew talking crazy to him in front of me sometimes but I help him challenge her. I never leave him alone around her, and I watch him stick up for himself. He needs to be confident to speak up early. I would never raise my kids like how some other women feel like it's appropriate to do. "Tough love" more like abuse in disguise.

This testimony is from the video by Frost Giacomo sharing a real life experience of seeing Black women that corrode their sons sense of self confidence and self esteem. It is definitely worth sharing , talking about , and discussing further.

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