Wednesday, November 18, 2015

I started my day off in a slump. Maybe that had something to do with recording vocals and guitar with Pete Manieri and his Bassist Bill at New Money Ent Studios ( Pete Guapeton ) Fortune Over Fame Dvd last night. We were shooting footage, examining frequencies, navigating programming, and looked for the best possible sound our electric, bass, and acoustic guitars could provide us with. The process was testy at times in dealing with some time constraints that we had faced , and we came away from the situation that we were still going to have to develop this song into something more special, with some additional equipment and logistic execution. 

I then later resumed another day at Quest Flow Public Relations HQ located right in Chinatown for you. Also it is the home of Jet Set Melon Productions. An animated affiliate that runs alongside Skopos providing services to clients. I took myself a nap after viewing some historical correspondence on Playstation 4. I arose for the day to begin my work as a new day dawned. 

I was disappointed that I was not able to execute anything that I was able to do for the first half of the day. It kind of put me between a rock and a hard place in terms of my individual confidence level of performing for the standard that I was used to alongside Quest Flow Public Relations. I stepped outside just to catch some air and get a perspective of what was going on with this day.

Skopos had returned from business in Chinatown and I debriefed him on the lack of execution based on numerous technical , time sensitive , and structural issues. We decided to take this news in stride as out of nowhere our blessings in disguise had seemingly popped out of nowhere. Quest Flow Public Relations record label affiliate Cohesive Collections had provided vegetarian oriented staff lunch for the company. I decided that this was maybe the sign of seeing something ahead. Being as it is the gesture came through in that instant. I look down the street and I run into a very promising independent artist Kodak , who showed his way through the offices to conduct business matters of his own. It was definitely great to see him , even if it was based on a level of exchanging subtleties during our passing. I told him that I would enclose a promotional package for him since he assisted me in my dealing with my 3 on 3 contest cypher video from Most Slept On and Offtoptv. 

Upon entering the office in the evening Skopos and I were able to rehearse some collaborative material and situate that circumstance for a later date in time. Client work was discussed and we even took advantage in acquainting ourselves with an Asian Arts Initiative client who happened to be in our vicinity. This conversation led to several ideas in how business could be developed through the Initiative by exchanging great meaningful, serviceable, communal, and collective plans between parties. 

As of now, a conference call on the situation in Paris, discussed with respected, decorated, and educated veterans from our Armed Forces; corresponding from Temple and East Norriton is currently pushed back for a minor delay. As the Playstation 4 video game footage has reeled through our account stream on Twitch.Tv I gained some more propositions that will definitely be delegated into creating projects for the Relations in the future. 

I close out in saying that in the competitive world of creative industries, it's important to maintain your sense of vigor, passion, and drive through the intentional integrity of your work. The speed of business is maintained by milliseconds and light speeds. The moment for redemption is the matter between exchanging your ideas and energies. You may be down in a temporary aspect but that doesn't mean that the rest of the day is reserved for the whim. Win for all for four quarters everyone.

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